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Version: Beaver Builder 2.9

Shortcode syntax

The Beaver Builder shortcode is really easy to use to add content to your layouts. This reference shows the syntax of the shortcode, including examples with attributes.

Using a slug​

The following is an example of a shortcode with an Slug:

[fl_builder_insert_layout slug="my-saved-row-slug"]

Using a slug & type​

If you have more than one post type with the same slug, you can specify the type attribute to show only the saved content, as in this example:

[fl_builder_insert_layout slug="my-saved-row-slug" type="fl-builder-template"]

Using an ID​

The following is an example of a shortcode with an ID:

[fl_builder_insert_layout id="123"]

See the Find ID or Slug article for tips on how to identify the ID or slug.

Using multiple ID's​

Enter a comma-separated list of IDs to insert multiple layouts.


Shortcodes used too frequently on the same page or post may affect performance. For more information, see our Performance article.

[fl_builder_insert_layout id="123,456,789"]

WordPress Multisite support​

In WordPress Multisite installations, you can specify the site attribute to enter the ID of a subsite to pull saved content from one subsite to another.


The site attribute is only available in Pro and Agency versions of Beaver Builder.

[fl_builder_insert_layout id="123" site="5"]